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Meet the Poets // Wulfrano Arturo Luna Ramírez

- Describe yourself as a person, Wulfrano

I’m a lecturer in IT and artificial intelligence, so I’m an enthusiastic about programming and problem solving, and I also portray myself as a literature/poetry interested person, so the code poetry's appealing is twofold for me.

- Describe your last years submission. The language – why did you choose it, how long did it took you to write it?

It was a short poem written in Java, I chose this language because it was one of the allowed languages at that time and because in those days I coded in Java. I found funny to play with some of the reserved words of the language and the result was a poem related to freedom. Me tomó cerca de un par de días hacerlo.

- Why did you start coding? How?

During high - school, I was doing a short technician degree in programming. I started with Pascal and C in the old days of diskettes and floppies.

- What inspired you to write code as a poem? Why did you seem the idea interesting?

As I said, I’m interested in both programming and literature, particularly poetry. I found a couple of references (in Spanilsh and English) about doing creative writing and poetry to „learn how to learn“. Hence, I moved towards trying poetry as a training step to reinforce creativity and improve programing skills. Here you can find a short text I wrote about it (sorry, it is available in Spanish only:

Poem by Wulfrano Arturo Luna Ramirez

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